
The proliferation of fashion designers, stylists, makeup artists, models and photographers has been on a rather quick rise and thriving in the fashion and style industry. Nothing seems to be overrated neither is anything underrated; your style is your own.

Fine, some make news when they bite the dog with their unusual outfits and seemingly outrageous designs, but what is talent if not appreciated?

Take a look at this work by one of Ghana’s youngest stylists, Kelvin Vincent. Kelvin Vincent as his name, his brand KELVINCENT is a luxurious fashion and styling marque. The day I met Kelvin, I asked why he was so bubbly and sociable… “O Kelvin?! Kelvin is like that”. He related with me as though he’d known me for years; that was inspiring, for a young man of such talent to be as humble, it is naturally rare.

Kelvin styled Ghana’s Barbie Doll and songstress Deborah Vanessa, known by her fans as Sister Deborah. Deborah is also high spirited and down to earth. According to Kelvin Vincent, “When it comes to me, it’s the high fashion things that count. I always want to give the best assault on fashion without regret. One look at Deborah Vanessa and I knew exactly what we’d go for. Ultra girly! Metallic! Sunset! Magic, Romance and the perfect collaboration with the photographer, MUA, hair stylist and the help of a designer”.

The location of the shoot, on the shores of Kokrobite along the Atlantic Coast to the West of Accra, had a warm and natural feel synchronizing with the outfits; the perfect environmental feel in my opinion. Deborah looked stunning, sassy, strong, and a lot of sexy.

Take a look at these












BTS – MUA with Deborah Vanessa


Julia (left), Kelvin Vincent (Right)



BTS Photography Nii Djarbeng (right)

  1. Who writes these terrible articles? At least you should try to give
    proper credit to whom it belongs. It’s very easy to google the photographer
    and then cite their website. Everybody who has put a lot of work into a project
    deserves their credit especially when they have organised the entire shoot. Creative director: Julia. Location by Julia. Model pick by Julia etc. Please do sone research before you publish
    things. Thank you

    • Miz_Akwele says:

      Julia, I credited you and provided a link. If I didn’t recognise the hard work, I wouldn’t have put it up to begin with.
      Calling my articles terrible? That is quite rude. I got all this info detected from the Stylist and he acknowledged your work. My standard procedure is to include the photographer’s name, the model’s name, and the stylist. If you deem it fit for me include “Creative Director: Julia. Location by Julia. Model pick by Julia”, you can privately say so or publicly inform me. But saying this is a terrible article defies all my work, passion and input into posting this. We’re you misinformed in any way? Please, be nice, because I deliberately approved this comment. Thank you too.

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