Archive for August, 2015


On the first day we met, I knew I wanted her to be more than just the MUA to me. I wanted her to be my friend, such a sweet spirited woman. (more…)


Red is everything bold; to be clothed in a red gown is twice that feel. (more…)

It’s 04:23 and I’m thinking, if I had the chance to save your life before you lost it, I will. I’m thinking about you.

The sharp piercings of pain prickles my senses to the core when you think yourself worthless. My heart practically breaks every moment you feel you were never made for this. You were.

You see, I have problems too. The elephant is failure-prone to the ant… yeah! We’re never safe until we feel we are. But you are; you are safe.

I know this because I believe in you. Wait… you thought no one did? [Sigh!]

Did you come unto this earth by freewill? Why would you choose to exit out how you didn’t come? Don’t do that.

You are valuable, your being, I need you. I need you to read this to inspire me… inspire another. I need you to comment on this and tell me you get it, so I know I’m valuable too, only because you are. That’s your value to me now.

If you’d passed me a note telling me you’d want to kill yourself, end it all, I’ll tear the same page of my book, write same, then pass you a note too. Let’s see how that works out for both of us.

You’ve no idea how valuable a treasure you are.

I woke up from this dream practically an hour ago, and before I woke up, I heard a whisper “I have a message for you”.

It was a full day’s dream, as in the dream started from morning till late in the evening, but when I woke up and checked the time, it was exactly 3hrs.

There was a bit of chaos in the beginning, with my life personally; a man I supposedly know changed his ‘self’, literally. He impersonated someone by using certain chemicals he said he’d made from the lab, and destroyed his actual self, so he never existed. He followed me for hours because I knew, and he didn’t want word out there. So I kept running and hiding all day ti I got to a sanctuary with a lot of people I supposedly knew. I was surprised to see them all together, but it made me feel safe.

Later, I came out to the foyer to chat with a few people, then I heard some music, but as though it’s being played through horns, so I rushed out to find where it was from. People kept asking, ‘do you hear that too?’ Then others started crying. Before it ended, there was screaming everywhere!! Accidents… A plane crashed in the air!!

I rushed back into the sanctuary and one of the guys said, “The day has come, and we did not go”.

We were all scared and freaking out, for hours! Until one guy came in and said “but his hair shall grow to a certain length, then will he give us a second chance, those who weren’t taken before”. Then someone said “but we shall suffer here first”. Another said “because after all these years, after all these tests, you waited for a second chance. That is the price”.

I started reminiscing moments and different movies of watched on RAPTURE and how I’d be so focused on heaven, days after such encounters, then the urge faded in days. I thought and thought, and said “This must be a dream”. That was when someone said “it is as real as it gets”.

Someone asked me, “so are you scared?”, I answered YES. Another asked me, “do you think they would have done differently if they knew?” I couldn’t answer, because I couldn’t think straight. There was a 2yr old in the room!!!!

It was around 9pm when I looked at my watch. Then I heard a whisper, “I have a message for you”. That was when I woke up.

I froze in my bed for several minutes, effortlessly trying to remember every detail of the dream, yet it was all so vivid. Hot tears run down my cheeks with every scene flashing in my mind’s eye, in my dark room. Then I decided to pray.

I don’t want to miss the mark. I don’t want to wait for another chance, I wanted to be TAKEN too.

How would you have felt if you were in this dream? What would you have done differently after?

I’m guessing I’ll be awake till break of dawn. Truth is, I’m not sleepy anymore.

Being born again is not enough. Accepting Jesus as Lord and Saviour, loosening yourself hoping things will fall into place IS NOT ENOUGH; actually, that just the beginning of the journey. But how can you reach your destination if you’re stationed at the entrance when all you do is smile at the road and say “finally, I see the light“?

Today, August 1st 2015, I pray for your soul. We should meet in heaven.